Congratulations 2021 Winners!
Residential Division
1st Place - Walters Winter Wonderland
2nd Place - Wynters Wonderland
3rd Place - Festival of Lights
Commercial Division
1st Place - Housewright Construction, Inc.
2nd Place - Curt 'n Rod Centre
3rd Place - Young's Farm House Christmas

The winners of the first annual Cohase Winter Decorating Contest have been announced. In the residential division, Lorie Walters of Bradford, Vt., won for Walters Winter Wonderland light display. Dylan McMichael of Woodsville, N.H., took second place for Wynters Wonderland. Coming in third place were Cynthia Goslant and Richard Munis of Woodsville for their Festival of Lights. The winner of the commercial division was Housewright Construction, Inc., in Newbury, Vt. Second place went to Curt ‘n Rod Centre in Woodsville. Young’s Farm House Christmas in Newbury won third place. All winners will receive a trophy celebrating their achievement, and residential winners will receive an additional cash prize.
The contest was a bright spot in the region this winter and inspired over 150 people to enjoy the self-directed tour and vote for their favorites.
“We were excited to offer a socially distanced celebration and encourage people to go out and visit local businesses during the holiday season. The response has been overwhelming, and we look forward to continuing this new tradition next year,” commented Ruth Ann Hacking, Executive Director of the Cohase Chamber of Commerce.
The contest was run by the Cohase Chamber of Commerce with the support of founding sponsor Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank, with additional sponsorship from Stifel Investment Services and Wells River Savings Bank.